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Stichting Consortium Diplomatique Européen

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Telefoonnummer: 070-8910891 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Stichting Consortium Diplomatique Européen

CONSORTIUM DIPLOMATIQUE EUROPÉEN (further in the text "CDE") was primarily established with the purpose of humanitarian aid in natural disasters in the world. Our organization also enjoys the status of an organization that works in the public interest in the field of foreign affairs in the face of natural and other disasters. The main goal of the organization was developed at the time of its establishment, and there are also many parallel activities that cover them locally in the micro location as a global world. An important aspect of our work is also to participate in the various humanitarian projects needed for natural disasters. We strive to create a forum where members of the organization meet with representatives of the government.

Openingstijden Stichting Consortium Diplomatique Européen Oder 20 in Den Haag

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