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Interplanetary Media Group B.V.

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Telefoonnummer: 06-31278813 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Interplanetary Media Group B.V.

Interplanetary Media Group B.V. (IMG) is a for-profit company that manages the media associated with the human mission to Mars, organized by Stichting Mars One. Mars One is a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to establish a human settlement on Mars through the integration of existing, readily available technologies from industry leaders world-wide. Mars One intends to fund this decade-long endeavor by involving the whole world as the audience of an interactive, televised broadcast of every aspect of this mission, from the astronaut selections and their preparations to the arrival on Mars and their lives on the Red Planet.

Openingstijden Interplanetary Media Group B.V. Verdiweg 537 in Amersfoort

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