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Telefoonnummer: 043-8501445 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over NL+NL

NL+NL is a small language institute located in the city centre of Maastricht. We believe personal attention and hands-on experience are the key to successfully learning a language. Therefore we like to work in small groups of max. four participants, which allows you to practice with your fellow students and still get the personal attention you need from your teacher. We also offer individual classes based on the students’ needs and objectives. These classes are ideal for the more advanced speakers. Whichever course you choose, our teachers will help you to learn Dutch in an efficient, fun and enjoyable way. NL+NL is part of Taalbureau Lingua et Litterae (L+L)


Openingstijden NL+NL Kapoenstraat 30-b in Maastricht

Zoekt u een vestiging met andere faciliteiten? De vestiging van Menno Balm die het meest in de buurt ligt van de aan de Kapoenstraat 30 is de Menno Balm aan de Tongersestraat 56.

Bedrijven in de buurt van NL+NL Kapoenstraat 30-b in Maastricht

Meer cursussen in Maastricht

Onze bezoekers over NL+NL in Maastricht