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De grootste en meest volledige site met ruim 66.000 openingstijden!

The Pub and Churchill


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Telefoonnummer: 0162-690590 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over The Pub and Churchill

The Pub - is a world famous British institution, always on the “must visit” list of any tourist going to the United Kingdom. Now we are bringing that institution to Made! In addition to the traditional beers, spirits and wines guests can enjoy a classic menu all day, every day in typical British surroundings, with open fires, family areas, and modern facilities. The Zaal - is a fully refurbished venue for Parties, Meetings, Presentations and any similar event. Suitable for groups of up to two hundred, with its own bar and audio-visual facilities, any party can be catered for. The Churchill Restaurant and Lounge - is a dining experience, with “quirky” design, and relaxed atmosphere. The menu allows guests to choose from a selection of fresh and specially selected ingredients, both local and seasonal, with a true International feel. With a great selection of finer wines and whiskies, as well as a spacious drinks lounge in which to enjoy Great British snacks, The Churchill is truly unique. COMING 2014 The Terrace - is a garden area that can enjoy the sun all day, and has a mix of over one hundred seats. Ideal for families, large groups, and even BBQ parties! COMING 2014


Openingstijden The Pub and Churchill Kloosterstraat 36 in Made

Zoekt u een vestiging met andere faciliteiten? De vestiging van Best Western die het meest in de buurt ligt van de aan de Kloosterstraat 36 is de Best Western aan de Kerkstraat 13.

Bedrijven in de buurt van The Pub and Churchill Kloosterstraat 36 in Made

Meer café in Made

Onze bezoekers over The Pub and Churchill in Made

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  • Prijs/kwaliteit verhouding van dit bedrijf:
    (1 beoordeling)
  • Totaal:
    4 beoordelingen

Onze bezoekers over The Pub and Churchill in Made

  • (10)

    Openingstijden goed en ieder weekend prima live muziek.
