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Stichting African Female Reintegration Centre Foundation

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Mobiel: 06-30551116 Telefoonnummer: 070-2132165 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Stichting African Female Reintegration Centre Foundation

Overview The AFRCF vision is to offer compassion, prescription and solutions through one stop African Female Reintegration and Transition Centre to the outlawed African female, traumatized and infirmed by incomprehensible life’s events that has left her soul incapacitated in wakes of a byword, an object of sex, abuse, death penalty, ridicule and dehumanization in the Sub-Saharan African. Mission Taking lead and mediation role for the outlawed African female to: Establish effective reintegration and resettlement solution for ex-female offenders; Exert pressure in denouncing dehumanization, killings, incitements, violence, persecution and rejection against her; Reinforce campaigns, prevention and protection for vulnerable female children against Incestuous, Sexually Abused and Neglected Children and Children Born to Incarcerated Mothers; Managing Adolescence Process in Female Child to keep her in School (supply bras, menstrual pads, pants and shoes); Identity Management in same sex female conduct (Lesbians); Empower the outlawed female to restore hope, courage, access her way out, rebirth her wholeness and escape emotional rape; Collecting toys, used and new clothes, shoes, bras and clothes for African children; Develop a reference Sub-Saharan African Female Centre on disintegrated and dehumanized African Female. “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw” – Nelson Mandela

Openingstijden Stichting African Female Reintegration Centre Foundation Badhuisstraat 13 in Den Haag

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