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Lumis Future Proof Solutions

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Mobiel: 06-51149043 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Lumis Future Proof Solutions

Technische dienstverlening op het gebied van telecommunicatie DVB - digital video broadcast - professional services and solutions. Lumis Future Proof Solutions Moto: Connecting the world with people With years of experience and connections that I accrued so far I can provide best and most economical solutions for broadcast media projects with the most modern approach. Ready and steady for all the new technologies currently hot on the market or to be even hotter. There is no such thing as impossible in my line of duty and every client that I had on behalf of previous employers or my own were left most satisfied. I try to over-deliver whenever possible and surprise even when least expected. On top of that my first and last priority is to make a client happy from a professional as well as personal perspective. Currently in cooperation with the best solutions at the market and exclusively with the Zixi LLC solutions, known to be the main drive of UFC live events broadcast and many other big names on their reference. Together we make miracles happen.


Openingstijden Lumis Future Proof Solutions Vasco Da Gamastraat 36-HS in Amsterdam

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Bedrijven in de buurt van Lumis Future Proof Solutions Vasco Da Gamastraat 36-HS in Amsterdam

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