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Migrantic, Tax & Immigration Lawyers

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Telefoonnummer: 06-27043309 Telefoonnummer 2: 070-3856710 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Eigenaar van dit bedrijf? Gratis beheren

Over Migrantic, Tax & Immigration Lawyers

Migrantic is an independent full service law firm working in a niche market with specialized lawyers, tailored to work in their specific field of law. We combine Dutch law expertise for businesses working on complex cross-border immigration and tax matters. The partners are dedicated to assisting companies and individuals to navigate in the complex world of international tax and Dutch immigration law. In our global business economy, persons need to be moved without any issues. These cross border activities require a strategic approach and is much more than “simply” securing residence- and work authorization or ensuring that the clients are aware of their tax positions both locally and internationally. An integrated approach and business planning is essential.


Openingstijden Migrantic, Tax & Immigration Lawyers Poortlaan 19 in Wassenaar

Zoekt u een vestiging met andere faciliteiten? De vestiging van Mr. L. van Baal Belastingadviseur B.V. die het meest in de buurt ligt van de aan de Poortlaan 19 is de Mr. L. van Baal Belastingadviseur B.V. aan de Pastoor Buyslaan 38.

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