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De grootste en meest volledige site met ruim 66.000 openingstijden!

Intermodal Telematics BV

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Telefoonnummer: 076-2310200 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Intermodal Telematics BV

Intermodal Telematics BV is a total solution provider, specialized in building monitoring systems for (tank) containers, trailers and railway wagons. Intermodal Telematics BV is located in Breda, The Netherlands, we develop both generic as well as tailor-made solutions with our own R&D-, production- and assembly staff. Our Hard- and Software Architects and Engineers make sure that every line of code and every circuit track is developed and produced with the quality level our customers are used to. We offer both generic as well as tailor-made solutions, based on your specific requirements.

Openingstijden Intermodal Telematics BV Korte Huifakkerstraat 8 in Breda

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Bedrijven in de buurt van Intermodal Telematics BV Korte Huifakkerstraat 8 in Breda

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