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Over www.myDesi-Shop.com

www.mydesi-shop.com is an online shopping portal that aims to connect vendors in Netherlands selling Surinami and Asian groceries and daily-need products to a large section of English-speaking, expat/local community potential customers with these requirements. www.mydesi-shop.com further provides consumers a selection of their favourite cuisine with Dine-in offers at restaurants throughout Netherlands. Customers can also book Hotels, Holiday Homes, Tours and Travel tickets, etc. for their favourite destinations around the globe. Tie-ups with Viator.com, Viator, Belvilla.com, and Booking.com make this much easier. Last but not the least, is an option to book various show and concert tickets in and around Netherlands from event organisers through www.mydesi-shop.com. Shop online at mydesi-shop and experience a hassle-free journey, right from payment to delivery of products. Happy Shopping!!


Openingstijden www.myDesi-Shop.com Kloosterlaan 57 in Hilversum

Zoekt u een vestiging met andere faciliteiten? De vestiging van Birdees die het meest in de buurt ligt van de aan de Kloosterlaan 57 is de Birdees aan de Schokker 19.

Bedrijven in de buurt van www.myDesi-Shop.com Kloosterlaan 57 in Hilversum

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