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Urban Conversations - Coaching and Counselling

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Telefoonnummer: 06-51755915 Hulp nodig met zoeken:1822Places nummerinformatie(€ 0,90 cpm) en doorverbonden gesprek

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Over Urban Conversations - Coaching and Counselling

Kim Vassallo is a Life Coach & Counsellor based in Amsterdam. She offers you a space to reflect, reconnect with your needs, understand what is holding you back, and take steps towards your personal goals. In particular, Kim supports you in enhancing your well-being so that you can lead a healthier life and thrive in your relationships, work, and other interests. Areas include: stress and burnout, physical and mental well-being, healthy coping strategies and habits, work-life balance, finding meaning and purpose. Sessions are in English both online and face-to-face (Amsterdam). Get in touch to request a free introductory session (no obligations).

Openingstijden Urban Conversations - Coaching and Counselling Fritz Dietrich Kahlenbergstraat 127 in Amsterdam

Zoekt u een vestiging met andere faciliteiten? De vestiging van Gischler Management Consultancy B.V. die het meest in de buurt ligt van de aan de Fritz Dietrich Kahlenbergstraat 127 is de Gischler Management Consultancy B.V. aan de Emmy Andriessestraat 248.

Bedrijven in de buurt van Urban Conversations - Coaching and Counselling Fritz Dietrich Kahlenbergstraat 127 in Amsterdam

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